
The True Story of Christmas


Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $5.00.


Most people have heard the Christmas story…Baby Jesus born of the virgin Mary in a stable…the shepherds and the wise men…Herod’s evil plot. But have you ever wondered what it was like from the perspective of those that were there…the eyewitnesses to history’s main event? Dr. Koole will take you all the way back to the prophets Isaiah and Daniel and then lead you into a time that forever changed human history.

Topics Covered:

    • Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive
    • Two Teenagers from Nazareth
    • Those Traumatic Days after His Birth
    • Weeping in Ramah
    • History’s Search for the Messiah
    • The Angels of Christmas
    • In the Fullness of Time
    • Daniel and the Christ Child