The Omega Prophecy Vol 4 – Introducing the Antichrist
Speaker: Dr. Richard Koole
As the Tribulation continues, it increases in intensity and becomes the time for the great Tribulation; a time unparalleled in rebellion against God. It is during this time that Satan tosses his ultimate human agents onto the world scene…men compelled to bring evil to a whole new level. Dr. Koole will show what God does to trump the hand of the evil one, as God prepares to put an end to mankind’s feeble efforts to resist the Holy One.
Topics Covered:
- The Antichrist – Satan’s Masterpiece
- The Wicked Beast Out of the Earth
- The 144,000 Unstoppable Evangelists
- Finally…Rest for the Weary
- Judgment and the Light of God
- The Seven Bowls of Wrath
- Mystery Babylon
- Iraq in Biblical Prophecy
- The Collapse of the World’s Economy