The Omega Prophecy Vol 5 – The Return of King Jesus
Speaker: Dr. Richard Koole
The time has finally arrived! Jesus has taken his bride in Heaven, and prepares to shatter His enemies as He leads a grand army out of Heaven to conquer the earth. While all of this is going on in Heaven, two of the most powerful institutions on earth suddenly are brought to total destruction. In Volume 5, Dr. Koole traces the events in Heaven and on Earth as Satan’s armies prepare for their final defense against the coming King of Kings.
Topics Covered:
- Wedding Bells for the Church
- The Second Coming of Christ
- Life During the Millennium
- The Fountain of Youth
- The Great White Throne of Judgment
- The Day Heaven Comes to Earth
- Standing at the Pearly Gates
- The Timing of Christ’s Return
- The Weird Cults of the End Times