
After the Cross Vol 4 – Branded As Christians


Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $5.00.


Speaker:  Dr. Richard Koole 

With amazing suddenness, the center of action shifts from Jewish Jerusalem to Gentile Antioch. And, as it does, the growing band of believers is branded with a new name…Christians…a name that has stuck to the present day. Dr. Koole follows the remarkable story of not only how the good news of salvation spread from the Jews to the Gentiles, but also how the church in Antioch prepared to spread the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.  Despite the evil efforts of a madman named Herod, the new group of Christians continued to move out into their world.


Topics covered:

  • Tracing Your Roots
  • Peter’s Miraculous Deliverance
  • The Wormy Death of a King
  • Choosing the Very First Missionaries
  • Rocking The Pagan World
  • Where John Left Them
  • The Goodness of God
  • The Justifier of Sinners