What We Offer
The audio studies provided through LifePointe have proven to be of special value to Christian schoolteachers and administrators who are members of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
Each volume of any audio series, as well as any single-volume course, has been pre-approved as a 6 hour teaching course in Biblical Studies and will provide the ACSI teacher or administrator with his or her annual Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in Biblical Studies.
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To be Designated an

1 Corinthians: Unfailing Love
There is nothing sweeter than a church where unity and love reign. And there is nothing uglier than a church riddled by division and disharmony. Such was the confused church of Corinth.
1 Timothy: Leadership in the Church
The local church is God’s chosen tool to reach the world for Christ. Is it any wonder that the enemy spends so much time and energy trying to disrupt the ministry and harmony of local bodies of believers?
Acts: After the Cross
It was the day that would forever change the world. It was the day the Spirit of God came upon mankind. It was the day the Church was born. It was the Day of Pentecost!
Daniel: From Exile to Eternity
Daniel has always been considered one of the most respected and remarkable characters in the entire Bible. His life’s story was filled with intrigue and has thrilled Christians of all generations.
Ephesians: Preparing For the Battle of Your Life
The day you accepted Christ as your Savior, you became a part of a battle that has raged through the ages. Whether you like it or not, as a child of God you have become a target of attacks from His enemy, Satan.
Genesis: In The Beginning
“In The Beginning” takes the listener back to the very dawn of creation. Explore how the eternal God brought the world into existence.
James: Wisdom's Quest
When Billy Graham was asked for the best proof that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead, he replied, “The most important proof that Jesus rose from the dead is that his own brother James believed that Jesus was the Son of God – the promised Messiah.” James was a doubter until he saw the resurrected Lord.
Luke: The Bridge
The Old Testament closes with a specific promise from God to send a man who would identify the long sought-after Messiah. After 400 years of waiting, the darkness was suddenly shattered by the birth of two babies unlike any before or after.
Revelation: The Omega Prophecy
The mysterious book of Revelation begins with an eyewitness account by the aged Apostle John of the splendors of Heaven. As John is led on a guided tour of Heaven, he sees and describes for the reader Jesus in His present and future glory. In his vision, John is able to see seven churches that will span the millennia.
The Mystery of Worship
The Mystery of Worship – A realistic understanding of the mysteries of worship will transform a stale and lifeless believer into a vibrant Christian who has discovered the passion of His presence.
Philippians: Restoring the Passion
Many people consider Philippians to be their favorite book of the Bible. It contains some of the most recognizable verses in the entire Bible, and in fact some of these verses are claimed by many Christians as their life verses. What makes Philippians so special?
2 Timothy: Guardians of the Truth
Paul, the great church planter, knew that his days were nearly done. He was ready to go, but who would take the good news of Jesus Christ to the world after his death? From a dank and dirty prison Paul penned his final instructions to a pastor named Timothy who was like a son to him.
Timely Truths: Various Topics
Various courses designed to provide personal enrichment and a quick, easy Bible study.