
Preparing for the Battle of Your Life Vol 6 – FinallyArmed and Ready for Battle


Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $5.00.


Speaker:  Dr. Richard Koole

As the Book of Ephesians closes, God shares one final frightening thought with the reader…our battle is against an incredibly powerful and in fact supernatural foe:  Satan and his legions.  However, God explains we need not fear our enemy, and then lists the supernatural weapons He has made available for us.  In this sixth and final volume of his study of Ephesians, Dr. Koole shares practical ways to ensure that you are properly armed for battle each and every day of your life.

Topics Covered:

    • The Conflict of the Ages
    • Holy angels…Comrades in Arms
    • Satan’s All-time Greatest Hits
    • Why do the Righteous Suffer?
    • The Gospel of Peace
    • Shielded from the Fiery Darts
    • Protecting against Brain Damage
    • Evolution…The Ultimate Brain Damage
    • The Sword of the Spirit
    • Praying in the Spirit