ACSI Audio Series
The audio studies provided through LifePointe have proven to be of special value to Christian schoolteachers and administrators who are members of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Each volume of any audio series, as well as any single-volume course, has been pre-approved as a 6 hour teaching course in Biblical Studies and will provide the ACSI teacher or administrator with his or her annual Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in Biblical Studies.
1 Corinthians: Unfailing Love (7)
1 Timothy: Leadership in the Church (4)
2 Timothy: Guardians of the Truth (3)
Acts: After the Cross (9)
Daniel: From Exile to Eternity (3)
Ephesians: Preparing For the Battle of Your Life (6)
Genesis: In The Beginning (6)
James: Wisdom's Quest (3)
Luke: The Bridge (18)
Philippians: Restoring the Passion (5)
Revelation: The Omega Prophecy (5)
The Mystery of Worship (2)
Timely Truths: Various Topics (10)